Footprinting a Webserver

Before we do footprinting, we have to understand what footprint is. Footprinting (also known as reconnaissance) refers to the process of collecting as much as information as possible about the target system to find ways to penetrate into the system. Information such as ip address, Whois records, DNS information, an operating system used, employee email id, Phone numbers etc is collected. These information is very useful to a hacker who is trying to crack a whole system.

In this post, we will use a tool called ID Serve.

You can enter the target’s URL or IP address on the tab provided. This time, we will try to scan

From the result above, the attacker will be able to analyze from the target’s server version and look for the vulnerabilities available.



2001586205     Andriana Pratama Putra
2001622614     Veber Sormin