As the course come to end, our lecture Mr. Raymond Bahana asked us to make a game designed for kindergarten student for our final project assignment. Because the game is for kindergarten student, it should be educative, simple, and useful for their age. Why a computer game? Because almost everyone including kids are using computer on their daily life. The design should be colourful and animated, so kids will not feel bored while playing the game. For this game, we pick aquatic theme for our game. After numerous decisions, we decided to make a game called “Alphabet Order”. It is a game for students who’s not yet learn to write or read. Before these students jump to word or sentence, they must be familiar with alphabet and its order. They can learn it through our game.
“Alphabet Order” is a really simple educative game. When users open the program and play the game, it will show some fishes swimming and crashing blocks of alphabet, causing the blocks fall down to a mess. After that, users are required to arrange the fallen blocks into alphabetical order. The goal of this game is to help kids who just entered school and not yet learned about alphabet, reading, and writing. Come with exciting layout design, simple but very educative, our game would be very useful.