On our previous post, we already talked about phishing.
We can use a tool from Netcraft. Netcraft is an Internet services company based in Bath, England. It is a provider of cybercrime disruption services across a wide range of industries. The company is also known for its free anti-phishing toolbar for various browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.
Currently, I am using Firefox as my browser. We can get the Netcraft toolbar from Firefox Add-Ons website. Just type Netcraft and the result will be on top.
Add it to your Firefox, the installation will be run automatically.
After installing the add-on, you can check it by opening the Netcraft button on the top right of your browser. You can click site report if you want to see the details of the website.
If you try to visit a website and Netcraft count the website as a phishing site, you will get a warning message like this.
A study commissioned by Microsoft concluded that Netcraft’s toolbar was among the most effective tools to combat phishing on the Internet. But the service can only process public IPv4 servers at the exclusion of IPv6. The browser extensions will display security information for a domain’s IPv4 servers even when the user is connected to a different server over IPv6
Best regards,
2001586205 Andriana Pratama Putra
2001622614 Veber Sormin